
The complexities in today’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems reveal huge gaps in product traceability, resulting in inefficiencies as well as counterfeit products.

Why Use Swaransh Supply Chain

Swaransh IT Solutions has developed a supply chain management verification system that offers transparency and integrity to supply chains. This system enhances the trust between stakeholders by leveraging the immutability of the blockchain.

How does it work

Swaransh IT Solutions has developed a supply chain management verification system that offers transparency and integrity to supply chains. This system enhances the trust between stakeholders by leveraging the immutability of the blockchain.

This makes it clear who is liable for products in every step of the production and transit, offering transparency and quickly identifying inefficiencies along the way.

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Controlled Access

Product manufacturer controls what wholesalers, retailers, distributors and end users see when a VeriDoc Global secured QR code is scanned. Producers can mark counterfeits and disable compromised QR codes.

Gain Trust from Clients

Supply chain data can be verified as true and correct by all stakeholders. Increase in brand trust.

API Versatility

APIs can be developed to communicate directly with the customer’s ,existing software.


Example of a Unique Hash Value:


Why Trust VeriDoc Global?

With patented technology in over 100 countries, VeriDoc Global promotes document security and transparency in industries across the world.

Scan QR Codes To Verify Documents

Use any scanner or camera on your phone to verify the QR code on a VeriDoc Sign document

Unique Hash Values Protects A Document’s Authenticity

All issued documents have a unique hash value (UHV) stored on the VeriDoc Ledger. Once stored, the UHV can’t be changed. If an issued document is altered, the hash value will automatically change, and the subsequent verification will fail.

Why VeriDoc Ledger?

VeriDoc Ledger technology increases Security , Traceability , Transparency and Trust.

VeriDoc Ledger is a fork of the Ethereum blockchain, combining the transparency and trust of public blockchains with the security and immutability of private blockchains.

But why is this blockchain used for Swaransh Supply Chain?

Competitive pricing in blockchain leverages the technology to enhance transparency, efficiency, and trust in pricing strategies across various markets. Despite challenges like integration and scalability, the potential benefits of improved data analytics, dynamic pricing, and cost reduction are driving the adoption of blockchain in competitive pricing strategies, promising more efficient and fair pricing practices.

Blockchain technology significantly improves document verification by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency. Despite challenges like integration, scalability, and regulatory issues, ongoing innovations and collaborations are driving the adoption of blockchain in document verification, promising more reliable and trustworthy systems across multiple sectorsBlockchain technology significantly improves document verification by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency. Despite challenges like integration, scalability, and regulatory issues, ongoing innovations and collaborations are driving the adoption of blockchain in document verification, promising more reliable and trustworthy systems across multiple sectorsBlockchain technology significantly improves document verification by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency. Despite challenges like integration, scalability, and regulatory issues, ongoing innovations and collaborations are driving the adoption of blockchain in document verification, promising more reliable and trustworthy systems across multiple sectors

Blockchain technology enhances convenience by streamlining processes, providing real-time access to information, and improving security across various sectors. Despite challenges like integration and scalability, ongoing innovations and collaborations are driving the adoption of blockchain, promising more efficient and user-friendly solutions for a wide range of applications.

Blockchain technology significantly improves trust by providing transparency, data integrity, and security in various transactions and processes. Despite challenges such as regulatory acceptance and scalability, ongoing innovations and collaborations are driving the adoption of blockchain, promising more reliable and trustworthy systems across multiple sectors.


Some use cases for VeriDoc Global include:



Blockchain provides an immutable ledger where every transaction is recorded and visible to all participantsSmart contracts automate and streamline processes, reducing paperwork and manual errors.Immutable records ensure data cannot be altered or tampered with, increasing trust among stakeholders.


Inventory management

Blockchain provides a single source of truth, allowing all stakeholders to view real-time inventory data.Automated data recording through blockchain reduces human errors associated with manual entry.Real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple locations aids in more accurate demand forecasting.



Blockchain provides an immutable ledger to track and verify the authenticity of drugs from manufacturer to consumer.Real-time tracking of drugs throughout the supply chain ensures transparency.Enhances the security of sensitive data, including clinical trials and patient records, by providing encrypted and decentralized storage.


Banking Management

Secure transactions and data integrity through cryptographic encryption.Streamlines processes by reducing the need for intermediaries, leading to faster transactions.Enables near-instantaneous cross-border transactions, compared to traditional banking methods which can take days.